Thursday, September 30, 2010


Ever gone a night without sleep? Maybe even a couple? Makes it pretty hard to get through the next day as productively as your normal, right? This is my life. I have insomnia. I've had it since high school. There would be nights that, no matter how exhausted I felt, I would just lay in bed staring at my ceiling. Sometimes it's caused by my mind constantly going, constantly thinking about everything from stupid crap to what I need to do tomorrow. My episodes can last a day or two or weeks, months, even years.

I know there are medications out there that advertise that they help insomnia. I can't take them! I've tried taking over the counter and prescription meds and the results are not good. Sure they knock me out, but then I am unable to wake up when my youngest needs me. Oh yeah, did I mention she has insomnia as well along with an undiagnosed medical issue (the current speculation is that she has Fibromyalgia, but she because is only 4, they don't want to make that diagnosis yet). So I need to be able to wake up and help her when she wakes up crying in the middle of the night. Also the meds make me feel like warmed over death the next morning. If I have to choose between being tired or feeling like a zombie, I choose tired.

What I do take is Melatonin. Melatonin is a natural suppliment that can help aid in sleep. For me, it has about a 50/50 chance of working (better than nothing right!?!). My daughter also takes it, though for her it's about a 80% chance that it will help her sleep. It's very difficult for me to keep up with a 4 year old who is either very active or worn out from pain (happy to add here that her pain and fevers have been a lot better since putting her on a GF diet). I also watch a 2 year old boy 4 days week, plus there is a house to keep picked up, dinner to make, Amee's homework to help with, etc., etc.

Insomnia is a bitch and I feel for all the other sufferers out there. We have to play the hand we are dealt.

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