Wednesday, September 22, 2010

I'm a crappy housewife!

I think I may possibly be one of the worst housewives ever! I love my children and my husband. They make up a big part of my world. But I SUCK at the role of housewife!

So you're probably wondering why I have come to this conclusion. Well, I really truelly don't think I actually "suck" at being a housewife in my mind. But I definitely fall short of what a lot of people think a good housewife should be. I hate cleaning! I will do it, but not as often as should. I'm usually just proud of myself if everyday the kitchen is clean and the living room gets picked up. I used to enjoy cooking and baking, but I'm still adjusting to my kids recent need for a gluten-free diet. It has taken a bit of the joy out of cooking for me because I am unable to make a lot of my favorites (and sometimes when I do try to make certain favorites gluten-free, they come out horrible). I wait to do laundry until the last possible moment (hubby or kids are out of clothes) and I very rarely ever get to stage of actually folding and putting away clean clothes. The dining table is always cluttered and we usually all eat the living room. I consider myself to be very productive if the bathroom is cleaned once a week. I never dust (unless I'm moving something and notice the incredible amount of dust around that object). I don't vaccuum nearly as often as I should.

Now you're probably wondering what it is I do all day. The kids get fed at every mealtime (one way or another, lol). Most days I get some schooling done with Mickey. I watch a little boy 4 days a week (he is 2). I help Amee with homework. I workout for at least 45 minutes at home, sometimes 90 minutes and I try to get to the gym for 1-2 hours 4-5 days a week. Some days I have an extremely cranky Mickey on my hands, making every single little thing seem like an epic battle just to get it accomplished. It's not her fault. She deals with a chronic condition that can cause stomach pain, neck pain, headaches, insomnia, exhaustion and low grade fevers. It's even more difficult because after 2 years of doctors appointments, they still can't give us a straight answer about what's wrong with her. And I try to get in a little me time during the day (usually spent catching up with friends online or reading).

As you can see, I'm not really a "bad" housewife. My day is pretty full. But sometimes I feel like I'm failing at this "title". I know so many other moms that seem to get so much more done everyday. Their house is always clean, meals are homemade 99% of the time, kids are involved in several extra-curricular activities, they are involved with the PTA and helping in the classroom, etc. It just makes me feel like I lagging behind.

But it helps that I have a very supportive and understanding husband and happy children, especially since being a HW/SAHM is not something I actually wanted. I was sort of pushed into this role by uncontrolable circumstances. For awhile, I even resented it and that made me feel even worse. But Mickey just cannot handle public school. She gets horribly sick very easily, plus she has a very severe gluten intolerance and has her bad days when she hurts and has a fever. If she was in school, she would end up missing half of it anyway. This prevents me from having a job and means I stay home to take care of her. It took awhile to get used to this life. I just didn't feel like I was able to just be me, since this is never the life I pictured for myself. But over time I have adjusted and learned to at least like it a little ;).

Now if I could just figure out a way to keep the house clean LOL.


  1. There's a saying I've heard "cleaning your house while raising children is like shoveling the walk while it's still snowing". I keep my bathroom clean for company and my living room 15 minutes from picked up...the rest can be handled by shut doors! has some good cleaning tips.

  2. Yup. I would rather have a somewhat messy house and be happy, then a sparkling clean house and be miserable :).
