Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Introductions are in order

I will admit, I've tried this blog thingy before and it didn't work out so well (meaning I forgot about it, lol). I thought I'd try again. I mean, hay, why not!?! It's not like I have anywhere to be :). Why is that, you might be asking? Well, I am a Stay-At-Home-Mom (know as SAHM). Yep, that's right! Hubby works and I stay home. Unfortunately it's not as glamorous as one might think, but it does have it's interesting moments. In fact this blog is going to consist mostly of those moments, because lets face it, life is never boring when kids are involved.

So I guess I should start by describing my little family. My hubby is Ryan. He is one of sweetest, most adoring and loving man I have ever met :). Ryan swept me off of my feet summer 2006, but our story actually began long before that (but I will save that for another blog, just known that we've known each other since we were 15). My beautiful girls are Amethyst and Mykayla aka Amee and Mickey. Amee is the oldest at 9 and Mickey is 4 1/2. They keep me on my toes to say the least. We also have two kitties- Mogli and Irridessa and an old gerbil that won't get mention much (he really doesn't do much since he is old, deaf and possibly blind).

And then there is me :). I am the finishing touch on this crazy group. So I guess I should give a little info on myself. I am quickly approaching 30 (much faster than I would like to admit). I have been married before. In fact, the kids are from my first marriage, but you wouldn't know it when Ryan and I are out with them :). He is a really fantastic dad and I am so lucky that he joined our family. I don't like to talk about my first husband much, except to vent when he irritates me. It's better that way, because I don't want to influence my daughters view of him. As I mentioned before, I am a SAHM. However it is not exactly by choice. Mickey has some health issues that make it difficult and dangerous for her to be in public school/daycare, so I stay home with her. I do homeschool her as well and she is a fabulous little student :). I do not homeschool Amee at this time, but that may change next school year. I'm pretty stubborn. Haha, okay, I'm a lot stubborn :). I'm also go-with-flow kinda gal, but I do have my break downs every so often. Get me around my friends and I'm pretty loud and outgoing (ya and I cuss like a sailor, but I will try to hold myself back in my blogs). I love tattoos and currently have 4, with many many more planned.

So I guess that's enough for now. Just a little bit about our crazy little family to get started. As time goes on, I'm sure the true craziness will really show itself :).

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