Wednesday, January 19, 2011

A Case of the Sickies

Sunday evening brought a little surprise for us. Amee, who hardly ever gets sick, spiked a 102 fever out of nowhere :(. Now the real fun begins- caring for a cranky sick 9 year old while attempting to also care for a cranky 5 year old (who has been in a Fibro flare for over a month now) and keeping my fingers crossed that the 5 year old does not get whatever it is the 9 year old has. The last couple of days have been torture! Amee's fever dropped from 102 to the 100s, so she has been feeling good enough to be a pain to the little one, but still must stay home (school rules are- symptom and fever free for 24 hours without the help of medicine). Yesterday the temps dropped from the low 50s to the high 30s and took what was left of Mickey's decent mood with it. She was in so much pain from the Fibro she could barely move without crying. I finally had to throw her in the bath to relieve the pain while we waited for the tylonel to start helping. I haven't exactly been feeling 100% . I'm having some pain issues that are causing me alot of discomfort and until I can get insurance (either after we move or next January), it's just something I have to deal with whenever it happens. It just adds another layer of "fun" to this roller coaster. I can't wait until we are able to move.

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